Monday, October 6, 2008

Lambchop Magoo meets Stephen Fry and Manages Not to Piss Herself!

We breathed the same air! He spoke to me! His jumper was so utterly Cambridge! He said (AND I QUOTE!)

"Lambchop Magoo... how fabulous!"

I fully intended to propose marriage, or at least civil union, or at least that I have his babies via artificial insemination. Unfortunately this little lamb was so starstruck upon meeting her hero, all she managed was some maniacal sycophantic laughter, and a quick plug for her cabaret number devoted to Fry himself.

After my turn was over, and I had to let the sizable queue of other Fry aficionados have their turn to worship, I hid behind a book display and gazed at him as if he were a zoo animal for quite some time. I'd still be there, frozen in ecstasy, if my colleague hadn't politely suggested that perhaps I had better move on or risk being thought strange.

It was magical.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea! I am so excited you got to finally meet him! XOXO Lori