Friday, February 6, 2009

The People Have Spoken

Lambchop Magoo has been selected to perform in the 2009 London Burlesque Festival, in a showcase on April 2nd at Madame Jojo's. Get your tickets soon, because this baby's selling out! (in an "all the seats will be booked" way, not a "corporate whore" way... though if there are any posh corporate gig bookers out there, do give me a buzz!)

And let's not judge the event too harshly by the somewhat tawdry logo girl... it'll be a class act by the time Lambchop Magoo and the other fine performance artists have had their say.

Late Showcase:*Burlesque Social Club
8-10 Brewer St. W1F

10pm-3am, Tickets £22.50
Tickets are on sale now, exclusively from TicketWeb


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